English language course
About the English Language
English is a West Germanic language originating from England. It is the second largest language when it comes to native speakers, and an official language of over 70 countries. English has around 375 million native speakers, and another 375 people speaking it as a second language – it is today’s lingua franca. Some research indicate that there are around 1.5 billion people that speak English, either as a first, second or a foreign language – which is every fourth man on the planet.
English language is the mother tongue in Great Britain, the United States of America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Ireland. In many states, such as Singapore, Nigeria, the Philippines, and Malaysia, English is used since there are no other common languages that the people use. The majority of English words originate form French, German and Latin, and the lexical similarity with German is 60%.
Akademija Oxford Foreign Languages School is utterly dedicated to English language teaching for many reasons: English is the dominant language of world literature and film industry, and it is widely spread in science, technology, diplomacy, sports, music, competitions, etc. International business is realized in English. Around 36% of Internet users communicate in English, and 85% of electronic information in the world is in English as well.
Speaking English is a necessity no matter where you travel – if you do not speak the native language of the country, English will be quite handy in communication.
CEF Levels of English
In Akademija Oxford Foreign Languages School, the general course of Enlgish is divided into six levels (A1-C2), based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR or CEF). English language courses are intended for those who wish to get promoted at their jobs or to find a better work place, to improve their knowledge or simply indulge their hobbies, to take the international exams, to improve their communication skills if they have family abroad, etc.
A1 – the most basic, beginner CEF level suggests the students can introduce themselves and others, ask and answer some simple questions, use everyday expressions and construct meaningful sentences in simple conversation.
A2 – basic elementary level - implies the students can talk independently about themselves (their interests, family, work, shopping, etc.). In everyday situations, they are able to talk about popular topics and activities.
B1 – intermediate level – the student can freely talk about school, work, leisure activities, their environment, etc. The student can explain his or her attitudes, plans, experiences, events, etc. in various situations.
B2 – upper-intermediate – the student can comprehend more complex texts, talk about abstract subjects, or tackle on some professional discussion. The student can speak fluently, with no greater difficulties, as well as to write detailed papers on various topics.
C1 – advanced or effective operational proficiency level – at this level, the student can comprehend longer and more demanding texts, and discuss them. The language can be used freely in more complex situations with no hindrance, and the student is fluent and spontaneous. They can write detailed, well-structured papers on complex subjects, and using complex language structures.
C2 – mastery of proficiency – the students can understand virtually anything heard or read with no problems. They can provide explanations, and use the language spontaneously but with precision and familiarity with subtle differences in meaning, when it comes to complex situations. They can summarize spoken and written information obtained, with no difficulties whatsoever.
Price List for English language courses

A complete price-list for English language courses is available on our website. The prices depend on location.
English language course for Beginners

Akademija Oxford Foreign Languages School is famous for its numerous innovations in the continuing education programs, which enable us to meet any student’s demand. What is certainly our trade mark and in-demand is English language courses for beginners - if you wish to acquire a language properly you need to start from the very beginning.
General English language course

General course of English language in Akademija Oxford is realized in groups of 3 to 12 students, 2 classes twice a week, and it expands for 4 months (levels A1 to B2) and five months (C1 and C2). The main goal of the general course is to use the most contemporary methods, and dynamic and interactive classes to train the students to use the language in formal and informal situations.
Intensive English language course

Intensive course of English in Akademija Oxford Foreign Languages School is intended for the students with not enough free time and a need to acquire the English language in the shortest time possible. Furthermore, this is a course for those who want to revise what they have previously learned in a short time. The course dynamics and methodology is based on the student’s needs.
Conversational English language course

Conversational English language course in Akademija Oxford Foreign Languages School is intended for the students who wish to improve their communication skills in everyday formal and informal situations, as well as in work environment. Conversational course can be group or individual, and the topics are chosen by the students alone, or as agreed with the teacher. Through debates and discussions, conversational course provides you with an opportunity to feel freer to speak, regardless of the mistakes you might make, and to use the language in the best possible way.
Specialized (Professional) English language course

Specialized course of English language in Akademija Oxford Foreign Languages School is intended for the students who wish to acquire the knowledge and expand their vocabulary in a certain field. We can offer you English for telecommunication, law, tourism, IT, medicine, journalism, auto industry, course for personal assistants, military course, etc.
English Language Preparation Courses for Cambridge ESOL Examination

Preparation courses for Cambridge ESOL exams, in Akademija Oxford Foreign Languages School, is intended for the students who wish to attend graduate or post-graduate studies abroad, or to apply for a job in some of the leading world corporations, as well as for those who simply want to possess the diploma that represents their language skills, such as FCE, CAE, CPE, IELTS or TOEFL. The Cambridge diplomas are recognized in over 150 countries worldwide.
Business English language course

Business course of English in Akademija Oxford Foreign Languages School is intended for the students who need to acquire the terminology related to business, business correspondence, meetings and conferences and various documents. Business course of English encompasses various fields, such as marketing, financing, administration, trade, diplomacy, etc.
Half-Individual English language course

Individual or half-individual course of English in Akademija Oxford Foreign Languages School is intended for students, regardless of their age, who cannot attend regular group classes or who simply find it easier to learn individually or with another person only. The benefits of an individual course include that the student can decide on the course duration, based on his background knowledge and needs, as well as the fact that throughout the entire lesson, the teacher will be focused on the student only.
Online English language course

Online course of English language in Akademija Oxford Foreign Languages School is intended for the students with a desire to learn or improve their knowledge, but with no free time to attend regular classes, or the timetable is unsuitable for them. You can take the online course of English on Akademija Oxford Online platform, and use the benefits of an online individual course, where you decide on the course dynamics, and schedule your own classes.
English language course for Children

Course of English for children in Akademija Oxford Foreign Languages School is intended for children of pre-school and school age and it can be group or individual. The classes are realized in smaller groups of 3-8 students, and it expands for 9 months (throughout the entire school year). Apart from group, the classes can be individual, as previously mentioned. We offer you the most prominent textbooks, a contemporary curriculum, as well as audio and video materials which enable dynamic and interesting English lessons. Course of children is based on conversational skills practiced through fun and various games. Active language learning allows the children to acquire the curriculum naturally, with no pressure, though songs, drawing, coloring, and other interesting activities.
Individual English language course

Individual courses in Akademija Oxford are unique in this region, specifically designed as training and preparation for every professional, in their area of expertise. This course is professional since it can include each field individually, and provide specialized individual classes to each student.
Business English Course for the field of Ecology and Environmental Protection

Business English in the field of ecology and environmental protection is intended for the students whose area of expertise is within ecology and environmental protection, and who have encountered a language barrier which prevents them from continuing forward with their professional development and improvement.
Business English Course for the field of Information Technology

Business English in the field of information technology is a demanding but necessary course for each professional IT operator, who is still improving his skills and knowledge in order to reach their final goal – vast knowledge in their area of expertise.
Business English Course for Marketing

Business English course in marketing is a specially prepared course, with curriculum completely adapted to the students who are currently working or improving their skills in this field.
Business English Course for Telecommunication

Business English for telecommunication is intended for specially trained employees working in the area of this innovative technology, which certainly demands proficiency in English, and especially business English.
Business English Course for Tourism

Business English for tourism is a special form of education for the students who need to improve their conversation skills and acquire the new vocabulary, for their area of expertise, which, in this case, is tourism.
Business English Course for Economics and Banking

Business English course for economics and banking is a necessity of today’s business world, included in the sphere of many specific fields. Therefore, we offer you the opportunity to improve the segment of your professional field that you need at the given moment, for your high-quality and secure progress in career.
Business English Course for Engineers

Business English course for engineers is designed as a special course, an additional training for every engineering profile. Therefore, this course curriculum can improve your knowledge in various fields of engineering: mechanical, electric, civil – all included in the business English course.
English language course for Medical Professionals

English for medical professionals is a special type of education, intended for all the students, with high school, technical or academic degree in medicine, and who require a certain level of proficiency in English, since it is a field of great demand abroad.
Business Course of Legal English

Business Course of Legal English is a special course designed for each individual student, or for smaller groups of identical interests and needs, so as to keep the class tempo towards removing the language barrier.
In addition to all the standard varieties of the English language courses available in Akademija Oxford Foreign Languages School, we offer you a chance to create a course that suits you perfectly, according to your own needs, affinities, free time, goals, etc. Coordinators and teachers of Akademija Oxford are at your disposal to help you design a course of your own, that will completely satisfy your needs

Apart from the English language courses, Akademija Oxford offers you the services of court interpreting and translating from Serbian into English, and from English into Serbian. You can come to us with any documents – personal, business or legal – and our court interpreters and translators will provide you with a desired translation as soon as possible, either in hardcopy or via electronic mail.